A Better Way to Live & Learn: The Founding of Discover Term
Something amazing is happening in Colorado this winter. A couple dozen teenagers will ditch their phones (and their parents) and descend upon the Rockies for five weeks of intense skiing, schooling, and seeing what they’re really made of.
It’s the next session of Powder Term: the first outdoor adventure-based youth education program developed by Discover Term — and the opportunity of a lifetime for the lucky handful of 6th-8th grade applicants who are selected each year. And just a few months after that, our latest program, Surf Term, will follow.
So what’s this all about? How did it start? And how does it all work? There’s no one better suited to answer these questions than the founders of Discover Term themselves. Keep reading to learn how three dedicated dads brought their vision for immersive, experiential learning to life.
Dreamer & Doer
This energetic husband and father of two is a former competitive swimmer who earned a pair of Olympic gold medals, broke four World Records and eight American Records, and was the first American to swim the 100 meter freestyle in under 48 seconds. Now, he’s set his sights on helping the next generation achieve their own dreams.
Why do teens today need a programs like Powder Term and Surf Term?
“These students are living in an unprecedented time — one that subjects them to a never-ending barrage of distractions that keep them from figuring out who they really are and what they really care about. Instead it’s all about who they think they should be like and what they think they should care about based on social pressures.
But what about dreaming? What about striving to uncover your potential and explore all that you can do with this one life you have to live? Kids need to unplug, get outside, let their minds run free. Discover Term programs let them do exactly that.”
Where does your passion for non-traditional education programs come from?
“I never responded well to traditional education. Sitting in classrooms, listening to lectures, taking notes, regurgitating it all back to pass tests — it just wasn’t effective for me. I wondered what was wrong with me. Why wasn't I smart? Why was I struggling so much with school?
The reality is that I was in the wrong type of school. It wasn't until I found the Acton School of Business that I realized there was a different way to learn. I was asked questions, empowered to think on my own. To decipher my own opinions and make my own decisions. I built confidence in myself and realized that I am smart. I do have potential — more than I imagined.
I'd gone my entire life believing I wasn't capable just because the standard learning model didn't fit me. Now, I want to create alternative avenues for others to explore this world. Kids need to be less overloaded with homework and more overloaded with inspiring and exciting adventures.”
Powder Term was the first DT program. Why skiing?
“Before I decided to pursue swimming, I actually dreamed of representing Team USA as a downhill skier at the Olympics. I remember watching the Lillehammer games in 1994 and thinking it was the most magical thing I'd ever seen, all these athletes competing for their countries.
But really it’s not just about skiing. In fact, we offer multiple programs — Powder Term is skiing in Colorado, Surf Term is surfing in Costa Rica, and others are coming soon. But the two key elements that tie these experiences together are outdoor adventure and narrow focus.
The outdoors was probably my first love, and is still a huge passion of mine. It’s a great place for formative experiences to take place. I find myself most joyful when I'm on an excursion in nature, exploring with other people and seeing how far I can push myself on tough adventures. Plus, there's nothing like finding a truly quiet place to sit, think, and observe the natural wonders of the world. The earlier people can have experiences like this, the better.
Then regarding narrow focus, I learned in sports that when you pursue mastery in one thing, you learn a lot about how to push yourself — lessons and frameworks that translate to every area of your life. You begin to taste what you're capable of and see the world with new eyes. At Powder Term, we aim to equip students with the tools they’ll need to achieve whatever it is they're passionate about beyond their time in the program.”
Jamie Matthews: Youth Program Aficionado
A proud father of three and happily married husband of 22 years, Jamie has been focused on family, community, and youth athletics for as long as he can remember. He attended and taught at the Acton School of Business, coached youth sports, and founded the Pond Hockey Club and Explore Austin youth programs in Austin, Texas.
What sparked the idea for Discover Term?
“My daughters attended a similar study abroad program called The Winter Term in Switzerland and loved it. For 12 weeks, they lived in a small village with 40 other teens and a handful of teachers. They skied every afternoon, studied European history, completed assignments from home, and went on all kinds of cool field trips in the Alps — all with no cell phones.
Being outside, free from the distractions of social media, and operating in a community that fostered independence and cooperation all created this incredible, impactful experience. I just remember thinking ‘Why isn’t there anything like this in the U.S.?!’
Around that time, Garrett was organizing family trips into the backcountry of Colorado. In talking to him about it, I realized two important things: One — people are dying for adventure, nature, and connectedness. And two — Accessing these things can often be logistically overwhelming.
That’s when we decided to combine some of the principles of Winter Term with our own philosophies and experiences with Explore Austin, summer camps, youth sports, Acton, and other alternative education programs. And so began the wild and wonderful adventure that is Discover Term.”
What’s unique about Discover Term?
“Discover Term encompasses the essential ingredients and tools teenagers need to come alive — to be their best selves and create a foundation for the next chapters of their lives. It’s not about skiing or surfing. We just happen to be using those activities as tools for learning, getting a ton of exercise, experiencing nature, and strengthening bonds between peers.
This program is HARD — physically, emotionally and mentally. Days start early and end at 9PM. Powder Term students are living at 9,000 feet above sea level and skiing hard for four hours a day at even higher elevations. Kids in every program are responsible for cleaning their personal spaces and common areas, and for keeping up with academic requirements from their home schools in math, English, literature, and foreign language studies.
They complete courses in leadership and mastery. They engage in customized educational experiences in the form of field trips, book club, study hall, place-based social studies, and science projects. And they do all of this in an environment that is away from the comfort of home and friends, away from parents — and away from cell phones.”
Justin Moss: Inspiring Lifelong Learner
Justin is a husband, father of three, and passionate lifelong learner with a deep-seated love of the outdoors. After earning his MBA at the Acton School of Business, he spent the next several years creating educational experiences for the global network of K-12 Acton academies. Now he works with education startups to empower kids with amazing learning environments.
Tell us a little about your unique perspective on education.
“Growing up, I dealt with a lot of frustration in my own education, so I created different learning paths and opportunities for myself that were project-based and experiential. I found that if I was making something or had a real problem to solve, I became obsessed with creating a solution. The process of ‘learning’ was replaced with a thirst to acquire new knowledge and skills to satisfy my own curiosity or achieve whatever goal I’d set for myself.
Since then, I’ve dedicated my professional career to shaping those experiences and learning moments for other people — especially kids. Over the past several years, I’ve seen the success and joy that are possible with this type of learning, reinforcing what I found to be true for myself as a youth.”
How did you get involved in Discover Term?
“Early on, Jamie and Garrett walked me through their vision of Discover Term to get my perspective on the educational aspect of the program. Needless to say, I was hooked immediately. Having spent several years of my career focusing on the middle school age group, I was eager to put my grand ideas for experience-based learning to work, so I started building our academic framework.
Together, we’ve created a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for young people to step into an adventure, disrupt their lives, and experience the benefits of physical, academic, and self-mastery. It’s exactly what I dreamed of in my youth — and what I want for my own children.”
What sets Discover Term educational experiences apart?
“Great learning moments can happen in a number of different environments using different approaches. But there are common themes and components that, if combined in the right way, create the ideal conditions for young people to have truly amazing educational experiences.
These include integration of multiple subjects, senses, and mediums. Exposure to real physical, mental, and emotional challenges. Giving kids the space to dig deep and practice self-direction. Community learning. Feedback loops.
The Discover Term framework brings together all these pieces and more. And I’m beyond excited to see how effective it’s been — and will continue to be — at unlocking students’ curiosity, passion, and potential.”